2012 Australasian Debating Competition in New Zealand
Dive into the Moment
with Intellectual Curiosity
Written by Hyo Jeong Kim
Hello, Dear lovely KIDA Readers!
Ahead of the Austral stories, you might remember that our first volume KIDA Talks had an interview with Monash University. Christopher Bisset, Amit Golder (whom we covered in the article) and Mandeline Schultz of Monash 1 got the 2012 Australs championship. It is no wonder since we all know well how they tenuously prepare for the debating competitions.
It has been past several weeks since 2012 Australasian Debating Championship (2012 Australs) has ended, which were a sequence of hectic days packed with the fierce debating rounds. Australs 2012 was participated by 88 teams from the 30 universities over Australasian countries.
2012 Australs was hosted by the Victoria University situated in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. Wellington is the center of economics and administration of New Zealand. Skyscrapers are embroidering Wellington rather than the green or running sheep what you might expect to see.
Just to look back on New Zealand university debating history, the oldest debating society in New Zealand is Otago University, founded in 1878. Following that, Auckland Debating Society was founded in 1887. To briefly mention an interesting episode, 1891 Auckland University’s debating competition motion was “Should suffrage be extended to women?”, which may have helped the world—first granting of national women’s suffrage in 1893. Victoria University Society was formed in 1899.
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Watching a witty video before the motion release is always a big joy to debaters photo courtesy by 2012 Australs |
Just to look back on New Zealand university debating history, the oldest debating society in New Zealand is Otago University, founded in 1878. Following that, Auckland Debating Society was founded in 1887. To briefly mention an interesting episode, 1891 Auckland University’s debating competition motion was “Should suffrage be extended to women?”, which may have helped the world—first granting of national women’s suffrage in 1893. Victoria University Society was formed in 1899.
When I arrived in New Zealand, my body has long been accustomed to the sizzling weather of Korea that it took quite a while to adapt to the nose-freezing weather of the southern hemisphere. (Tip! For those who might tilt their head wondering why suddenly this author mentions the cold weather, the weather of the southern and the northern hemisphere is different. Do you still cannot believe me? Then look over your little sister's elementary school science book just to make sure.)
However, the passion of debaters was more than enough to melt down the severe coldness. When the rain drizzled down the outside of the window in July 8, KIDA debaters arrived in Kiwi’s country, New Zealand. It was a long hour itinerary that everyone seemed fatigued.
Before the main rounds began, Pre-Australs had run on 6th and 7th of July. It was a practice debating rounds which provided chances for rookie debaters to get the knack of the debating rules and trained debaters to peep into their rivals’ eloquent speeches. The participation fee was only 10 NZ$ per a team. Next year if our readers are planning for the Malaysian 2013 Australs, you should definitely give it a shot.
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Chief Adjudicator Stephen Whittington photo courtesy by 2012 Australs |
Before the main rounds began, Pre-Australs had run on 6th and 7th of July. It was a practice debating rounds which provided chances for rookie debaters to get the knack of the debating rules and trained debaters to peep into their rivals’ eloquent speeches. The participation fee was only 10 NZ$ per a team. Next year if our readers are planning for the Malaysian 2013 Australs, you should definitely give it a shot.
This year, three teams from each different debating society from KIDA participated in 2012 Australs; DAE, EDIS and Solbridge which broke through the competitive ESL (English as a Second Language) break. (Listed in alphabetical order)
2012 Australs was held following this schedule. The 8 debating rounds had run on 9th, 10th, 11th of July and then one day break for 12th, following 13th and 14th for main Rounds and grand finals.
The topics for each debating rounds were like followings
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2012 Australs Opening Ceremony- DAE with Japanese, Malaysian delegates |
The topics for each debating rounds were like followings
Round 1
1) TWS ban eating contests.
2) That sporting leagues should never suspend players for off field behaviour.
3) That developing nations should not host international sporting events.
Round 2
1) That the government should not receive any revenue from gambling beyond standard taxation.
2) TWS require individuals to disclose that they carry STIs even if protection is used.
3) That individuals should be required to pass drug tests in order to receive welfare benefits.
Round 3
1) TWS grant higher-level primates more rights than other animals.
2) That doctors should be required to perform medical procedures even when it conflicts with their beliefs.
3) That employers should be allowed to discriminate on lifestyle factors (such as smoking and obesity) when hiring.
Round 4
1) That NATO should invite former Eastern Bloc states to be members.
2) That the UN should establish a standing military force.
3) That the US should impose retaliatory tariffs on China for currency manipulation.
Round 5
1) That the state should provide incentives for individuals to grow their own produce and buy locally.
2) TWS adopt a vegetarian diet.
3) TWS celebrate the growth of the fat pride movement.
Round 6
1) That developing nations should prohibit families of current or former politicians from running for office.
2) TWS make voting mandatory.
3) TWS ban all political campaign contributions.
Round 7
1) TWS introduce a tax on financial transations.
2) That EU should create a common fiscal authority.
3) That governments should not fund reconstruction in areas that are prone to natural disasters.
Round 8
1) That where gay marriage is legal, religious institutions should be forced to conduct marriage ceremonies for gays.
2) TWS force victims of domestic violence to testify in court.
3) TWS criminalise prostitution.
This year, Johanna McDavitt and Daniel Wilson co-convened the Australs 2012. Johanna is a Vice President of Victoria University Debating Society and Daniel has judged the ESL Grand Final in Korea Australs. This year’s Chief Adjudicator was Stephen Whittington who is an experienced debater for being the Australs finalist three times and Ely, Toshi, Ravi, Stephe were the other core adjudicators.
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Daniel Wilson, co-convener for 2012 Australs photo courtesy by Victoria University |
Before the main rounds began on July 14th, there was a Women’s Night which celebrates the achievements of female debaters. Women’s Debate was held at Parliament of New Zealand under the motion that “THW allow the entrapping of the police to catch criminals.”
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Johanna McDavitt, co-convener for 2012 Australs photo courtesy by Victoria University |
Following are the motions of the main rounds.
Octos Motions
1) TWS repeal the individual mandate for healthcare in
2) TWS set term limits for US Supreme Court justices.
3) That the US should declare an amnesty for all illegal immigrants.
Quarters Motions
1) That the death of print media is bad for journalism
2) That law enforcement should turn a blind eye to drug use and sale in designated areas.
3) That families whose children perform well in school should receive bonus welfare payments
ESL Semi Motions
1) That media outlets should be allowed to report on the details of suicides.
2) That the media should not report on the private lives of politicians.
3) That there should be a minimum Body Mass Index (BMI) for women on television
Semi Final Motions
1. That we should have a one state solution for Israel and Palestine
2. That the West should suppress pro-democracy movements which are against the West's strategic interests
3. That we should only grant amnesty to dictators at the conclusion of conflicts
2) TWS set term limits for US Supreme Court justices.
3) That the US should declare an amnesty for all illegal immigrants.
Quarters Motions
1) That the death of print media is bad for journalism
2) That law enforcement should turn a blind eye to drug use and sale in designated areas.
3) That families whose children perform well in school should receive bonus welfare payments
ESL Semi Motions
1) That media outlets should be allowed to report on the details of suicides.
2) That the media should not report on the private lives of politicians.
3) That there should be a minimum Body Mass Index (BMI) for women on television
Semi Final Motions
1. That we should have a one state solution for Israel and Palestine
2. That the West should suppress pro-democracy movements which are against the West's strategic interests
3. That we should only grant amnesty to dictators at the conclusion of conflicts
Final Motion
That we should introduce good samaritan
Other Grand Final Motions
1. That we should introduce a system of school vouchers
2. That the state should stop subsidising monogamous
Solbridge broke into ESL break which pick 4 teams out of ESL teams. Though they could not step into Grand Finals, the news that they broke into ESL semi-finals brought hope for the Korean debaters. Seo Yoon Lee, from Solbridge said,
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Left, adjudicator Abel Lam with Solbridge, EDIS |
Solbridge broke into ESL break which pick 4 teams out of ESL teams. Though they could not step into Grand Finals, the news that they broke into ESL semi-finals brought hope for the Korean debaters. Seo Yoon Lee, from Solbridge said,
“When I could not break into 2012 Australs, I was very disappointed. However, I learned a lot through this 2012 Australs and it was definitely a great chance to me. It might be unforgettable since 2012 Australs is my team member Daniel (obba)’s last chance to participate into Australs.”
2013 Australasian Debating Championships will be hosted by UT Mara, Malaysia. The participation fee will be set at RM1,600 (equivalent to USD 505). The adjudicators will include Sebastian Templeton (New Zealand), Imran Rahim (Singapore) as well as Tasneem Elias (Qatar). Next?
It is your turn to dive into the exciting moment.
It is your turn to dive into the exciting moment.
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