KIDA TALKS Interview:
Finalists of Fall KNC,
*Note: Teams are listed in alphabetical
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Seth Kang, voted among interviewees as this KNC's most inspiring speaker making a speech, with KU2 as OG and HYDS1 as OO |
HYDS1 (See Kyeong Kim and Geon-Sub
*This interview was only
responded by See Kyeong Kim.
Q: Would you briefly introduce
See Kyeong:
My name is See Kyeong from Hanayng University. Like many Korean debaters, I am
also studying in a division of international studies and although I am much
(?!) older than my colleagues, as I am a sophomore.
This year’s Solbrige KNC is my
third KNC and first tournament to participate with my team mate Gunseob. I am
currently the president of HYDS (Hanyang University’s debate society within
DIS) and Gunseob is a vice president. As the oldest team from HYDS as we had
many freshmen teams this year, I was very happy to go all the way to the finals
and represent Hanyang.
Though I really enjoy debating,
I did not quiet expect to go all the way to the finals especially with all the
legendary debaters that inspired me since I started to debate. Every round,
whenever I debated against one of those legendary debaters, I would panic so
much and made my teammate to spend more time calming me down than actually
Q: How did you construct your
team and your role?
Since I have never been a last
speaker in a team (whip speaker), I naturally became the first speaker of my
team. Looking back now, I have mostly been the first speaker both in AP style
debate and also in BP style debate. I think the best part of being the first
speaker is that you have your teammate to help you with the mess you created in
your speech. However, my teammate and I are also considering changing the roles
for NEAO.
Q: What do you think is the
strength and weakness of your team? (Superior appearance? Attractive voice? Or
born to be debater? etc.)
I think weakness of our team is
that we both panic, especially I do (a lot) but the strength of our team is
that we panic at different rounds. So we have at least one less panicked person
to lead the discussion during prep time.
Also, many people comment that
both of us look very calm on the podium. I think that could be our strength but at the
same time our weakness as well because that could mean that we are not giving
much impact with our speech.
Q: What is your further goal as
a debater from now on?
Many debaters’ ultimate goal is
to become a champion but I do not crave the champion title. Maybe in the future
if I become a better debater, but now I think I was very lucky to be one of the
finalists. However, I really hope that I leave one good video of my debate that
I can actually watch. I don’t have many videos of my debate but all of them are
my “I don’t know what I am saying” speeches. I hope I get to leave a
satisfactory debate video that I can actually watch without blushing in five
One other goal that I really
want to achieve in my debate experience is to become a CAP member. Making
motions, organizing tournaments and training adjudicators all seem to be a very
difficult job but at the same time very worthwhile as well. I have been
debating, adjudicating and helping with tab since I started to debate last year
so one day I also hope to have an experience as a CAP member.
Q: Is there any special system
or training that we can share together?
I really like to share if I had
any special training method! I would if I had one! But other than never missing
normal weekly sessions and KIDA Tuesdays, I have none.
Q: What was the best and the
worst motion at KNC? Tell us your stories!
I think the best motion was the
one regarding insurance company and AIDS. I think all debaters enjoyed that
motion. Our round started really funny by PM from one of KU teams started off
by saying “We love Gays” though everyone became serious afterwards.
Q: During KNC, What was your team’s
unforgettable funny episode?
One of unforgettable (I am not
sure if it’s funny) episode is when three HYDS teams met in one room during
prelim. It was so much fun and comfortable to debate with juniors like if we were in one of
HYDS sessions but at the same time falling into a dilemma whether I should be
happy or sad about freshmen
juniors rebutting to every one of my points.
Q: Who did you find the hottest
at Fall KNC?
I think the hottest at Fall KNC
would be the only female CAP member Ji Yoon Son from EDiS.
Q: Debate with which team was
unforgettable to you?
Debate with Hyewon Rho is always unforgettable
because she is so good! I never stop to admire her speech and be inspired.
Maybe that is why I always lose against her because I forget to prepare for my
speech. One of the debate I would never forget would be the final round of this
KNC when I debated against Nam Chul Kim from CUDS. When I was a rookie debater
and also a freshman last year, I saw NC winning KNC and NEAO. Thus, NC is
always remembered as legendary debater, someone I cannot debate against. During
that round I panicked so much that the debate is almost unforgettable.
Q: Who did you think was the most
inspiring speaker at KNC?
I thinks two Hyewons from KU and EDiS are the most
inspiring debaters. Hyewon Rho,
because I always admire her speech and her passion for debate. I really want to
learn her speech style as well as her analysis style. Also, Hyewon Lee’s speech is so
admirable because she and I have a completely different style I can never even
try to imitate. This time it was more inspiring because as a closing speaker,
she clarified and analyzed all the ideas I failed to really explain.
Q: Any word for Korea Debaters?
Though it’s only my second year
in debate community, I can see how KIDA and Korean debate community is growing
day by day. I think debate means so much more than just an extracurricular
activity. I hope to see many of you continuing to join debate tournaments and
other KIDA related events and most importantly at our HYDS sessions. We are always
open so please contact us.
KU1 (Seth Jeesoo Kang and Victor Junbin
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KU1 and KU2, from left to right |
interview was responded by only Seth Jeesoo Kang.
Q: Would you briefly introduce
I am Seth Jeesoo Kang, I major
International Studies in Korea University. I am in my last year. I attended
this KNC with my teammate Victor Junbin Yoon.
Q: How did you construct your
team and your role?
My teammate asked me to go to
KNC before I graduated. We both thought that it might be fun, so I agreed to go
with him. Our roles weren't really fixed; I mostly filled in the spot that my
teammate didn't want to do. If my teammate felt confident about the topic, he
usually was the first speaker in the team. When he wasn't as sure about the
motion, I filled in that spot.
Q: What do you think is the
strength and weakness of your team?
I would say that our team's
biggest strength came from our experience. We both did debate for quite a while
and as a result were capable of coming up with case lines and arguments in a
relatively short amount of time. Another strength of our team was our
flexibility. We were both not really fixed to one role position, and we were
also quick on thinking on our feet.
Our biggest strength was
probably our attitude during the tournament. Of course, we liked winning, but
we also came to KNC to have a good time. Our main objective was to enjoy the
tournament, and this mindset allowed us to not get too stressed out during the
Q: What is your further goal as
a debater from now on?
This is my last year as a
debater, so I guess it would be nice if I did a good job for the upcoming World
University Debate Championship.
Q: Is there any special system
or training that we can share together?
We really never did any
separate training other than practice debates. Both I and my teammate are also
regular readers of news articles, fiction and non-fiction literature, and other
sources of information. Having a vast scope of knowledge and a variety of
perspectives will always help you be a good debater.
Q: What was the best and the worst motion at KNC?
Tell us your stories!
I really enjoyed most of the
motions in this KNC. There were however a few motions that I thought was a bit
problematic. The one I had the most problem with was the Quarter-finals motion,
which dealt about private insurance companies screening sexual minorities for
AIDS coverage. I personally thought that this was a motion which forced the
proposition to build their whole case based on social prejudice and bias
against sexual minorities, which in a debate context where rationality is the
core of all arguments, was an unfair disadvantage. I actually heard that most
of the teams were forced to argue that homosexuality itself creates AIDS,
homosexuality is a choice, homosexuality always can be linked to promiscuous
sexual lifestyles, and other stereotypes and myths that are debunked and have
no real currency.
Q: During KNC, What was your
team’s unforgettable funny episode?
We had a moment during the
Semi-final motion, regarding environmental refugees. We usually prepped for the
motion independently while we were moving from the auditorium to our debate
room, and then we shared each other's ideas once we got to our debate venue.
For this motion, we got to the debate venue, and my teammate asked me "So,
what's on your mind?" I responded "That I really, really don't want
to be on the opposition bench for this motion. Being on the opposition makes us
look like @$$holes." We kind of had a brain freeze for the next five
minutes or so after this.
Q: Who did you find the hottest
at Fall KNC?
Mina Lee from EDIS 2 :). I
think that there is something very attractive in a person who is not only smart
and intelligent, but also doesn't have to scream out things to make a point.
She had this very calm and cool voice regardless of the situation.
Q: Debate with which team was
unforgettable to you?
KU1. We met like four times
throughout the whole debate tournament, and every encounter was fun and
Q: Who did you think was the
most inspiring speaker at KNC?
I think that there were several
speakers that can fit this category. The first group of people I can think of is
the speakers in my KU junior
teams. All of them are relatively new in the debate society, and especially in
the BP format. Regardless, they have gone against fierce competition with
debaters that had much more debate experience but still prevailed in many
circumstances and have done a great job. In the same light, other teams with
speakers with relatively low experience but exceptionally high skills were also
very inspiring such as Minyoung Rho from ADS 1.
Q: Who was the hottest CAP?
Jaeyong Joe Shin! Because my
best friend is super hot.
Q: Who was the most inspiring
Saesul Park from SNUDA. Not
only was she a great judge in general, but I also never saw a judge that could
talk so fast.
KU2 (Donghee Chae and Hyewon Rho)
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Besties make best team work? |
Q: Would you briefly introduce
Donghee Chae,
Korea University, International Studies, sophomore
KNC Finalist, Two-time
Hyewon Rho,
Korea University, International Studies, Senior +a
KNC Champion, Finalist, CA
Q: What do you think is the
strength and weakness of your team?
Our strength and weakness is
that we’re too damn close; borderline love..r…s…. erm, let’s say we care about
each other a lot. Hence, when we create our cases and debate together we have
so much fun that at times we forget that this is an actual tournament, with
actual consequences. So we entertain ourselves with ridiculous arguments and
spend the entire prep time laughing over them and then cry our eyes out at the
Q: What is your further goal as
a debater from now on?
NEAO Champion. Duh.
Q: Is there any special system
or training that we can share together?
Don’t be afraid to speak out
and at times criticize each other’s arguments or case setups during prepped
time! Make sure you understand each other’s analyses, arguments and examples to
perform as a single entity. Go EVERYWHERE together so that your physical,
mental system is in sync. Create a secret teammate handshake that scares people
Q: What was the best and the
worst motion at KNC? Tell us your stories!
Best motion was the last
preliminary round on rape. We could finally utilize all our knowledge we’ve
obtained through CSI, Criminal Minds and all sorts of crime dramas! Yes,
debaters – watching TV helps you to debate!
Worst motion was the third
preliminary round on time machine. The motion was quite interesting but we were
up against someone who speaks SF language. That sucked.
Q: During KNC, What was your
team’s unforgettable funny episode?
No particular memory stands out
but it always entertained us that we’d look at each other for approval when we were
lying through our teeth on the podium. The other would solemnly nod and try to
Q: Who did you find the hottest
at Fall KNC?
There were two very interesting
gentlemen (not necessarily ‘hot’) at the tournament. One argued that human
security was really really important. The other one made that motion.
Q: Debate with which team was
unforgettable to you?
KU 1 – Junbin Yun and Jeesoo
Kang! We never won them in internal sessions and it was definitely frightening
to meet such a talented team four times (including the finals) but in the end,
it was a great motivation and challenge for our team to compete against them.
Q: Who did you think was the
most inspiring speaker at KNC?
Jeesoo obba inspired me with his monologues. He is such an entertaining yet
intelligent speaker who knows how to eloquently express arguments in a manner
like none other.
Geonsub really inspired me with his huge improvement as a debater. I remember
him and DK turning against each other and sighing at the NEAO finals but this
time around, he was here to win and he wasn’t afraid to show it!
Q: Who was the hottest CAP?
SEOYOON LEE! Hottest organizing
committee member EVER!
Q: Who was the most inspiring
Joe Iesue from Solbridge. Not
only is he a talented and insightful adjudicator, he knew how to make everybody
relax and enjoy the debate. We love the way he says “verrrrryyyy good!”
Q: Any word for Korea Debaters?
Photo Courtesy: Facebook :)
Courtesy: All the finalists!
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